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comes from the latin word Arctus,us,n. – Big Bear (Ursa Major) constellation, or arctus,adj. – close, narrow, bow

Who we are?

We at ARCTIS are proud to offer over a decade of combined expertise in facilities management consultancy, coupled to supplying and installing the most appropriate software for integrated workplace management systems (IWMS) - ARCHIBUS, backed by a comprehensive range of support services including applications development, systems integration, training and support.


While providing solutions for key projects such as change management, facilities and space planning, asset and maintenance management, carbon footprint and other essential operational facilities management (FM) tasks, we can also offer BIM + FM synergy insights and consultancy.

The success of our approach is due to a proven, robust and reliable methodology, developed and enhanced by the company to a high level of expertise. Throughout the Europe and Croatia, it has enabled us to achieve significant results for our clients in the diverse private sector organisations.

We know tech

We value technology that helps us help our clients achieve success and grow.

our tech knowledge
our tech knowledge

We have delivered successful projects and provided valuable services to recognized and valued companies in Croatia and worldwide

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